It’s so nice to be able to trust someone like an HVAC professional

To say everything has changed is always sort of a stupid way to get the point across that things aren’t the way they once were.

Lots changes all the time.

The more capable we are to evolve along with the changes, the better off we are in life. It never fails that those who are so miserable are the same people who spend all day inside the air conditioning watching TV. It’s sort of a self perpetuating problem. If all you hear from the TV is that you’re a victim of a world gone crazy, that’s exactly how you’ll see yourself. But I do empathize with folks who feel like they don’t even recognize our society. I have to admit that I often feel much the same. And it’s disappointing for sure. However, I also do my best to give thanks for the good stuff. The fact that I know I can walk away and leave my house with the HVAC technician inside it real trust. And that just doesn’t happen the way it once did. In fact, I have a tough time trusting most people and situations. But instead of making this the focus of my life, I would rather be grateful that there are still people like HVAC professionals that I can trust. I’ve been doing business with the same HVAC company for more than 30 years. And in all that time, the HVAC professionals have always been looking out for me. I’m sad that this is a rarity in many of our encounters with people, but I’m thankful for the trust where I can find it.


commercial ac

HVAC contractor did a fantastic job with the geo heat pump

When we were deciding the particulars and certain details about our house, there was one that stood out.

My wife and I had worked inside the central air conditioning of our old house designing our new house for three years.

And from the very first, we knew that we wanted to get a geothermal heat pump for the heating and cooling in our new place. The house that we designed was one where sustainability and efficiency take center stage. This is an approach that we take in our day to day lives so it only made sense that we would build a sustainability construct into our designs. The house we sold was a bigger home as that’s where we raised our family. But keeping it for just the two of us was not wise. For one thing, it was so big that just the heating and cooling costs were ridiculous for two people and a dog. On top of that, the place was really built for a family. So we were thrilled that a couple who are starting our family became the new owners of that house. We moved into a rented condo with the sort of heating and cooling that motivated us to get our house built post haste. Yet, we had to find the right sort of HVAC contractor to do the work on the geo heat pump. If the geothermal heat pump is installed with great precision and accuracy, the maximum benefits are nullified. So we had a lot riding on that HVAC professional. But it all turned out great as we did get the right HVAC contractor and we just love the geo heat pump so much.

hvac maintenance

Prepping the house early this year to save on HVAC heating costs

The kids are back in school and the summer is officially over.

However, I’m already deep into a fall ritual that I should have been performing for all of these years.

But this fall, I’m getting the very early jump on prepping the house for winter in order to save on HVAC heating. All the other years, the closest I came to winter prep was calling the HVAC company. I’d make sure the gas furnace got the necessary HVAC heating maintenance but that’s about as far as I got. The biggest reason for this is that I wasn’t into doing the winter prep on the house with all the football on TV. This is just the honest truth. I love football season more than I love saving on HVAC heating costs. But this year, I committed to being sure the winter prep on the house got done. This is why I’m already half way through with the winter checklist and it’s not even Labor Day yet. I was able to get this checklist from the HVAC company website. Not only did they give me a list and great instructions, I had a shopping list for the stuff I needed as well. That made everything much easier. So when I took the kids for back to school stuff, I went to the home improvement store as well. My plan is to finish up the winter prep this coming week. The football season is close to kicking off and I’d like to be done by then. It sure will be nice to have a really cozy home and save like crazy on HVAC heating.


Heard something weird so I just called the HVAC company

So my time inside the central air conditioning of my house came with a lot of quiet

I’ve never been one for quiet reflection. Actually, there’s really never been much about me that was at all quiet. That’s why the changes that I’ve made to my life are still taking many folks by complete surprise. It’s as though I went into the pandemic one guy and then came out of it another. Going home to work from the central air conditioning of our home wasn’t the worst or biggest deal. The biggest factor was the reality that we faced during the worst of the pandemic. My wife means everything to me and I can’t imagine my life without her. But suddenly, she was at risk of becoming very ill with Covid or worse. She has a congenital health condition that put her at the highest of risks when it came to the virus. So our lives completely changed. We stayed inside the safety and security of the air conditioning in our home. There just wasn’t another thought given to it. Until there was a vaccine, our main job was keeping my wife Covid free. So we both worked remotely inside the central air conditioning of our home. And we took all that time to work on being more present in our lives. This was the biggest lesson I got from the pandemic. I had to live in gratitude for what I had, slow down, get perspective and enjoy my life. So my time inside the central air conditioning of my house came with a lot of quiet. But there were even some practical benefits from that practice. I was even able to detect something wrong with the HVAC equipment before it became a big deal.

commercial hvac

A clean room with good HVAC is all I’m looking for in lodging choice

I wasn’t so sure how the new normal was going to work out once I was back inside the zone controlled HVAC.

There were a lot of tough things that I had to do while the office was closed.

I spent the entire summer and some of the fall with the air conditioning on max in my car because I was on the road. Since flying was still out, I had to get to our customers in order to provide our type of service and keep them all happy. So I wasn’t inside the central air conditioning of home working remotely as many of my colleagues were doing. Most days, I was either on site with a customer implementing or negotiating our services. Otherwise, I was going down the road with the air conditioning on. Each night, I would stop for the night at a roadside hotel. This was a big thing that I gleaned from being out on the road. The interstate hotels were always so consistent. They were clean, well appointed and had the most consistently reliable HVAC. For that summer, I was in deep need of great HVAC cooling. And I got it every single night that I stayed at one of the mid tier hotels along the interstate. So now that we are flying again, one of my new normals is staying with these sorts of hotels. I’ve explained to the travel department that I don’t want the fancy, downtown hotels. Instead, I’d like to be able to count on the heating and cooling equipment. And that means being booked into the mid tier hotels by the airport or just off the interstate.


air quality systems

I work around the air conditioning in the summer

Amazingly, I really took to working remotely from my home.

That was such a surprise to me.

When I first got word that we’d have to leave the zone controlled HVAC of the office to work from home, I thought I was doomed. First of all, I really liked working from inside all that zone controlled HVAC. And when it came to summertime, I knew that the central air conditioning at home wasn’t going to be anything like the office HVAC. Then there was the fact that I really liked working with all the people I worked with. This was important to me as well. So I was not at all hopeful when it came to working remotely from my own air conditioning. But life has a way of showing you just what you need. I went into working from home with a bad taste in my mouth but I was open to figuring out how to do it. Honestly, I found that working from home wasn’t nearly as tough as I thought it would be. It’s just me, my husband and our dogs. So it wasn’t like there were a ton of kids running around. My husband spent that first summer on the road trying to keep clients. So I took over the home office. The thermostat setting stayed put but I learned how to schedule around the heat. To this day, I get up early and go right to work. I get most of everything done before the peak heating hours of the afternoon. And that’s when I go do errands inside commercial HVAC!

zoned hvac

Just found out why they’re called HVAC professionals

I’m very fortunate but I also think I had a had in building me good fortune. When I was a kid, I was passionate about finance. For some reason, I just loved making money and saving it. My dad saw this and was super helpful with introducing me to investing. I was more interested in the quotes than I was in getting out of the air conditioning to play. By the time I got to college, I was fully into all things finance. Getting my bachelors degree and then a masters in finance was the first step to the career that I ended up forging for myself. These days, I work inside the zone controlled HVAC comfort of a very nice office building downtown. And I’m there so much that I tend to lean on help when it comes to the chores I need done around the house. My house is pretty expansive and comes with the latest in residential HVAC and HVAC technology. I am part of the HVAC service plan and the HVAC company takes care of all the HVAC maintenance. But I have a handyman who does lots of projects around my house. So when I thought the HVAC cooling wasn’t as cool as it should be, I called him. Well let me tell you, I got an earful when it came to who should be working on HVAC equipment. The handyman made sure that I understood that only a certified HVAC technician should be anywhere near an HVAC unit. For sure, I know now why these folks are called HVAC professionals.


zone control

Don’t blow it when it comes to the HVAC warranty

I’ve never really been the sort who actually reads the directions.

Somehow, I must think that it’s all just so intuitive that I can simply figure it out.

I’m much more interested in playing with any new toy than I am reading about how it works or checking the warranty. The same was true when it came to upgrading my HVAC equipment this past year. My wife and I were actually sort of prepared for the end of the old HVAC unit. This was heating and cooling equipment that we had inherited when we bought the house. We saved a bunch of money by doing this so we set up an account with some of that money. And then, when the HVAC unit turned twenty, we started adding more to that savings account. Sure enough, the utility costs spiked in a big way toward the end of last summer. The heat pump just couldn’t keep up with the demand for HVAC cooling. That’s when we had the HVAC technician come out to confirm our thoughts. The next steps were really pretty exciting and relatively a breeze. The HVAC contractor came out to our home for an inspection and to help us choose the new HVAC unit. From there, it was like Christmas. I couldn’t wait for the new residential HVAC and all the new HVAC technology. So of course, I wasn’t reading the HVAC warranty once it was all installed. Thankfully though, my wife did read the HVAC warranty and got it registered in time.

find a local hvac supplier

Great HVAC cooling sure motivates me to work out more

I’ve never been consistent when it comes to good lifestyle behaviors.

For sure, I’ve never been one to be super healthy.

At the same time, I’ve never veered into being self destructive or crazy with my lifestyle choices either. But going from sitting inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office to then sit inside the central air conditioning of my home wasn’t ideal. I knew this but just couldn’t seem to find any sort of momentum when it came to sticking to changes. I’d try a new diet only to bail in a couple of weeks. Instead of coming home to the recliner, I’d try getting out of the air conditioning for a walk. But again, I just couldn’t find any sort of consistency at all. Yet, I sure wasn’t getting any younger and the pandemic sort of helped me realize that my health was something I had to take care of. So I finally made some real changes and added a serious commitment as well. I have a stand up riser for my desk so I stand much of the day. And I don’t come home to the air conditioning and the couch. At first, I was going to the gym. That wasn’t so bad until the summer hit. Then, that place was just so hot as the HVAC cooling seemed overwhelmed. Instead of giving myself a reason to quit, I called the HVAC company. The HVAC professionals then installed a ductless heat pump in the basement where I now have my own home gym. And it’s made all the difference as I’m now super motivated to get after it when I get home from the office.

new hvac technology

Ductwork cleaning is a spring cleaning must

From now on, I’ll be calling the HVAC company when I know I’m spring cleaning.

Well, maybe not every year but I’m sure not going a decade without ductwork cleaning again.

And it could have been longer than that. We have lived here for just over ten years. When we bought the place, there was a pretty contentious showdown when it came to the heating and cooling. The seller just wasn’t interested in replacing to very old HVAC unit. We were coming to a region where HVAC cooling is a priority and wanted a turn key situation when it came to good HVAC equipment and HVAC technology. It got to the point that we walked away from the deal. There was just no way that we were bending when it came to good residential HVAC. So the seller finally relented and we got the sort of HVAC equipment that we wanted. But I’m thinking that maybe the new HVAC unit didn’t come with ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing. I tried to find out but couldn’t get my hands on the paperwork that would have shown the ductwork cleaning. All we had were the receipts for the new heating and cooling equipment. So while I want to assume the ductwork cleaning was done prior to the new HVAC unit being installed, I don’t know for sure. What I do know for sure is that this house is so much different once we got the ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing done. I had it done as part of spring cleaning this year and I can’t believe the difference it has made in our home.

heat pump