Humidity is the worst

Where I live we tend to get pretty humid weather in the summer time months.

This can make it very uncomfortable at times. I am so thankful that I recently got a brand new, up to date and very powerful central heating and air conditioning system unit. With my brand new, up to date and very powerful central heating and air conditioning system unit it really helps to fight off the horrible hot and humid weather. Also, in addition to the brand new central heating and air conditioning system that I have, I also have a whole home air purification system running through it. With both of these amazing pieces of heat and a/c technology it makes it so that I can get through the entire summer without having too much discomfort. And as a matter of fact, by running the central air conditioning in my brand new, up to date and very powerful central HVAC system, and the brand new whole home air purification system that I bought to go with it, I can actually have the most perfect indoor comfort around this time of the year while others are usually having issues with that due to their central heating and air conditioning system units not being powerful enough to fight off the humidity as well as the horrible heat! Let us say thank you to the wonderful HVAC technology today! Without this great heating and air conditioning technology I do not think many of us would be able to survive in areas with super hot summer months in the year. I could be really rough.

heater technician

Outdoor breakfast

Not to mention, the food is really great in this place

Every other week on a Monday me and my friend go out to breakfast at this outdoor seated diner in town. It is really great to do this time of year because of the wonderful air quality that we have going on. The outdoor air quality is so great that it makes our breakfast that much more relaxing all together. This is the time of year all of us who have whole home air purification systems in our homes can turn it off. Also, we do not need heating or air conditioning this time of the year because of how great the temperatures are. So not only is it great air quality, but it is perfect temperatures as well. This makes for the perfect indoor and outdoor comfort for the next 2 months or so. This is one of the reasons me and my friend make it a point to go to this outdoor seated diner to have breakfast every other week this time of the year. Not to mention, the food is really great in this place. I really am lucky to live where I do to be able to get such great air quality to be able to do things like this at this time of the year. Most other places do not have this luck and great air quality along with great temperatures. All together, we enjoy what we have and gotta thank mother nature for the blessing of the great air quality as well as the great temperatures this time of the year!

Heat pump repair

I don’t like the air

Everyone in town goes to the local tavern on the weekends to relax, hang out, have drinks and have a great time.

However, I do not do this! Not because I am not liked by people or that I am a hermit.

It is just that I do not like the air quality in there. It is one of the only bars in the area that has nor outlawed smoking inside. And I simply just allergic to the smoke and the air quality as a result of all that cigarette smoke in there. Air quality is important wherever I am at. If the air quality is not great, I will not be there. This is because I have sensitive allergies that have been with me as long as I can remember. I have a whole home air purification system in my own home because of how sensitive I am to air quality and the allergens in the air. Without the whole home air purification system, I do not think I could even live in the area in which I do. The air quality here is not good, but I have a job that pays well. That is the only reason I stay. But I can only wish that they would ban indoor smoking at that tavern/bar. Because I would love to be able to enjoy that sometime. The way things are ever changing around here, it may happen eventually. I just have to be patent and wait to see. But in the meantime, at least there are other places that have that smoking ban!


I don’t like the air

The gift from the electric company

Also, I like the idea of being able to control the smart thermostat from anywhere in the world

My local electric company has been giving out free smart thermostats to all of their long time customers, which I am one of. I would not have bought a smart thermostat on my own. However, since it was free I was not going to turn it down. I was actually curious to give the smart thermostat a try after all the hype I have been hearing about smart thermostats over the last 5 or 6 years. If I didn’t like the smart thermostat and how it operates, I always figured I could sell it and then put my old digital thermostat back since my digital thermostat is in pretty good shape still to this day. However, i have to say that I do not think I will be going back to my old digital thermostat. Because this smart thermostat is really everything all the hype was all about. In its first month alone it saved me tons of cash on my local electric bill. Also, I like the idea of being able to control the smart thermostat from anywhere in the world. Not that I would ever want to control my central heating and air conditioning system if I was out of state or out of the country, it is just pretty cool knowing I can! It does come in handy though to turn off my central heating and air conditioning system when I am away from home and then be able to turn it back on when I am on my way back home from wherever I am at. Could be work, shopping, could even just be visiting a friend.




I prefer the days

I ended up taking a different career path than I originally intended when i graduated high school.

The reason for this was because the classes at the college were only at night, and I did not want to go to night school.

I originally wanted to become a certified heating and air conditioning specialist. But when I looked at all the schools in the area to get my heat and a/c certification they all turned out to be night classes. With me having to work in the day there was no way I could go to school at night and then come home and get right to bed to be up early in the morning for work. So I scrapped the idea of becoming a certified heating and air conditioning specialist and ended up becoming an electrician instead. They had regular day classes unlike the heating and air conditioning schools. I wonder why the heat and a/c schools only had night classes? It just did not make sense to me! Well, maybe someday if they ever offer day classes for heating and air conditioning school to get my certification to become a heat and a/c specialist, I will decide to take them and have a career change or work part time in electric and the other half of my work will be in the heating and air conditioning business. It is something to think about because I sill have the interest and drive to want to become a certified heating and cooling specialist. It is just what I enjoy most and what my original goals were.


a/c worker

Bought it cheap

I was at this local discount shop the other week and I could not believe what I found! I actually found a portable space heater for dirt cheap.

  • And when i say dirt cheap I am talking 10 bucks! I am not kidding you! I figured for 10 bucks, I would take a shot and buy this portable space heater.

After all, if it did not work or broke down quickly, I would not be really out any money. Much to my shock the portable space heater actually worked and worked great. The power that this portable space heater put out was beyond amazing. It was actually able to heat up my entire living room in a matter of minutes and it ended up making it so I did not have to run my central heating and air conditioning system at all. I could give the central heating a break and run this cheap portable space heater and save myself some serious money on energy use. I had seen that they also had a portable air conditioning system at the discount store that they were selling for dirt cheap as well. That was 50 bucks. While portable air conditioning systems are usually around 3 or 4 hundred dollars, that is another possible steal to look into. I think I am going to take a chance and throw down the 50 bucks and hope the portable air conditioning system works just as well. Though I won’t be able to really test that out for another 5 or 6 months when summer comes. I will chance it anyhow.

hvac provider

Don’t react too fast

A lot of people not knowing a lot about their central heating and air conditioning system causes the HVAC companies to get more rich than they are. What I exactly mean by that is a lot of times when something goes wrong with a central heating and air conditioning system, people really do not take the time to troubleshoot the issue before calling their local heating and air conditioning company to send out a certified heat and a/c specialist to repair their central HVAC system unit. People can save themselves some money sometimes if they would just take a minute to troubleshoot the issue. Troubleshooting can sometimes create a fix it yourself situation if it is something as simple as a fuse blowing out or something along those lines. Sometimes it may even be because the thermostat has a loose connection. Whatever the case, check it out first before running to the phone to call that local heat and a/c company to send out a certified heating and air conditioning specialist to work on the central heating and air conditioning system unit. This is what I do every time I have an issue with my central heat and a/c unit system. And there has only been a few times since where in fact my central heating and air conditioning system actually had something wrong with it that way. So it is always good to really and deeply check it out first hand before jumping the gun and getting out that check book or credit card while calling the air conditioning company.


heated floors

The long walk

Last winter I remember my car not working one time for a few days and I had to have it in the shop for repairs.

Because of this I had to walk to work.

While where I work is not too far, when walking in the middle of winter and how cold it is can be quite a task. I remember being so happy when i got to work finally. Something i’m not usually looking forward to. But this day, all I wanted was the wonderful central heating on my body that was in the workplace. The central heating system they have in there is very great and it really helped me after taking that long walk in the cold to work! Central heating is just as important as central air conditioning when the weather is extreme. Not to mention, if you have to be outside in really cold temperatures you will want to have really great heating when you come back inside to anywhere after it. It can be your house, your place of work or even your car. Central heating is very important in the long and cold winters. The same as central air conditioning is very important in the long hot summer time months of the year. The bottom line here, is because of that long walk in the cold those few days, I realized just how important quality heating and air conditioning systems are in life. I will be the first to admit it and the first to tell you all about it. We simply can not live without central heating and air conditioning in this life!

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How things change

I think back to how things used to be when I was growing up when it comes to air conditioning, and wow how I can tell you things have changed! Back then, we all had window air conditioning systems and that was all that was really available to cool your home at an affordable rate.

Sure, there was central heating and air conditioning systems but they were very expensive and only those who had tons of money could afford them.

Today, window air conditioning systems have almost been phased out all together because central heating and air conditioning systems are affordable to the average working class person now. And this has been this way for at least the last 20 years or more. And really, it is a good thing because central air conditioning in my opinion is much better than window air conditioning units. Also, a central air conditioning system is there all the time, all year round and combines with your central heating. All controlled by the thermostat on the wall in your hallway or elsewhere. With window air conditioning systems you always had to instal them and then remove them when the season was over. Not to mention how heavy those things were to move around. I remember a friend of mine actually dropped theirs once and broke it! You do not have these risks with central heating and air conditioning system units. And if you want something that is not central air conditioning, you can always get a portable air conditioner.

air conditioner tune-up

Our home away from home

Also it has a very nice SEER rating which is important in terms of the energy use it will put out

In the summer time we have a nice little summer home on the lake that we love to go to. We call it our home away from home. We have had it for quite a few years. And because of that, things get old from wear and tear and need to either be replaced or upgraded. This is where we are at now. And the first thing we need to do before next summer is to replace the central heating and air conditioning system. The central heating and air conditioning system is old and worn out and not giving the right air flow anymore. So the answer is a brand new and up to date central heating and cooling system unit. We actually found a good deal on one that we are going to be going for. It is on sale for almost half off its normal price, which is great. Also it has a very nice SEER rating which is important in terms of the energy use it will put out. We are planning to have the central heating and air conditioning system installed next week, so I am going to have to drive out there to meet the certified heat and a/c workers from the heating and air conditioning company. It is going to be a long drive, but I need to be there. The heating and air conditioning workers need to be in the house to remove the old air handler and more, then put everything in for the brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system unit.

air conditioning install