How can I supplement my oil furnace?

This 2020 year has been harshly chaotic.

Between Tiger King, the pandemic, the murder hornets, almost going to war, the protests plus the fact that it’s an election year, I can see why some people guess that the people I was with and I might be residing in the end times.

Even in the end times, however, I want to have my electric heating plus cooling. My Heating plus Air Conditioning plus indoor comfort will constantly be critical to me. I don’t guess how people ever lived separate from it. I will say, though, I constantly dread the Wintertide weeks. The bills are lavish in the Wintertide plus the weather constantly gets pretty rough. It got me thinking about supplementary heating options plus I realized I have next to zero knowledge about how electric heating (and cooling) entirely works. My furnace does a good job of keeping me plus the family warm, but love I said before that bi-weekly heating bill gets pretty high. Does anyone here have any energy saving tips or recommendations for supplementing my oil furnace. I thought about portable space heaters, but if I plug in a space oil furnace plus use electricity for it isn’t that effectively the same thing as using my furnace? Maybe it’s not, but it seems love a zero sum game at that point. Correct me if I’m wrong. Portable space furnaces are the only solution I’ve been able to come up with besides installing a fireplace (which I’m not willing to do). Please let me guess any heating tips plus tricks that you’ve used to supplement your heating plus lower that heating bill!

Heater maintenance

Recommendations for air filters?

Hi y’all! As multiple of you know, I have recently moved into my first condo as well as I am genuinely happy about all of the lessons of homeownership that I believe I’m about to learn! Some of them are simple- cooking, cleaning, maintaining a schedule.

Some are more challenging, replacing my entire Heating as well as Air Conditioning system within the first month of living here (yes, that happened), finding the best Wi-Fi provider, mowing the shrubbery. Some tasks are just sort of mundane or in-between. The mundane task that I’m currently working on is replacing my air filter. I have been seeing a lot online about washable air filters as well as I’ll admit I’m pretty intrigued by the system of not having to run to the store to replace my air filter every month or every other month. I believe some people keep several air filters in their condo but I don’t have a lot of square footage as well as I’m not genuinely interested in keeping a bunch of filters shoved in a closet. Has anyone had any experience with washable air filters? Do they toil as well as the proper air filters? How often do you have to clean the washable air filters? Whether washable or not, which air filters are the best balance for your indoor air quality? I believe that some are good for indoor air quality however slow the air flow while others are good for air flow however worse for indoor air quality. If anyone has any recommendations on this topic of air filters as well as indoor air quality, I would genuinely care about your input.
Heat pump maintenance

I wish I had bought a ductless mini split years ago

Sometimes I get stuck in habits that last for years on end.

I said I’d never try a cigarette, but peer pressure got the best of me when I was a college freshman. My friends all smoked so I started buying packs before nights when we’d throw large parties on campus. Before long I had developed a nasty nicotine habit. The immediate side effects had nothing to do with my health, although that eventually became a problem a few years down the road when my lung issues started. In the beginning, it was the financial burden of smoking daily. It was disheartening seeing so much of my hard earned money going towards that habit. By the time I hit 30, I had finally had enough of smoking cigarettes every single day of my life. Breaking that habit was a life changing experience for me. I realized that I had much more power and self-control over my brain than I ever realized. I turned my attention to another habit I wanted to break, and that was relying on fan forced heating and cooling. For decades I have struggled with air conditioners, furnaces, and the ductwork that they utilize to condition indoor air. I have struggled with machines with poor SEER ratings and ventilation systems with leaks in a multitude of varying places. There were ads on TV one night showcasing ductless mini split heating and cooling systems. I have seen them in videos and photos from other countries overseas and had been interested from the start. They’re amazing because it’s like having a miniature central air conditioner in every room of the house. They can all get hooked up to a single condenser outside while each machine retains individual temperature control. You can keep your home office cool in the afternoon without cooling the rest of the house.


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Just adding a ceiling fan in my bedroom improved my comfort level 10 fold

Yesterday the heat index nearly hit 110 degrees in the sun.

It’s absolutely miserable right now when it isn’t raining.

I am used to getting sunburns on my pale skin, but it’s surprising that simply walking from the grocery store exit to my parked car at the back of the lot causes my skin to burn. I’d get home only to find out that my face and neck were burnt after looking in the bathroom mirror. I took a bottle aloe out of my medicine cabinet two days later when the sunburn started to peel. If I was out at the beach for a few hours, I could understand the sunburns, but not from being in the sun for 15 minutes at most. At home I have just as many problems with heat, as it constantly finds its way into my house through leaks in the attic. I have a central air conditioner, but it can’t keep the house cooler than 79 degrees. When it was installed, it was probably insufficient for my needs. If I could afford a new system, I’d install one in a heartbeat. The best that I can possibly do at this point is buy a few fans to move the a/c around the house. I decided to buy a ceiling fan for my bedroom. I’ve heard that they’re worth their value in how much they affect indoor comfort. If you can’t get a stronger air conditioner, get a few strong fans. Between the new ceiling fan in the bedroom and the box fan I put in my doorway at night, I haven’t slept this well in weeks! I thought I’d be sleeping with only a thin cotton sheet for the rest of the summer, but now I’m comfortable enough to use a blanket again.

Space heater for sale

Mold grows in my bathrooms if I don’t keep the indoor air dry enough

I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I had to scrub my shower with bleach every other day.

There was a mildew odor coming back within hours of every shower, even if it followed an intense cleaning session moments before I started shampooing my hair.

I went through so much bleach cleaner in one month that I started developing allergy problems with the chlorine smell in my house. I talked to people at the local hardware store, but few had any definite ideas on how to fix the issue. It took a friend of mine who works in residential HVAC to pose a possible explanation for my problem. He asked me what the air flow is like to my bathroom from my central air conditioner. When I told him that there is no HVAC vent in my bathroom, only a roof ventilation fan, he told me to get a small dehumidifier for the bathroom. With only minimal air flow coming in through the open doorway, it wasn’t enough to keep the bathroom dry. If an indoor space sustains a certain level of moisture, mildew growth is almost unavoidable. At the same time, I was skeptical that a small dehumidifier would make much of a difference on the air quality in my bathroom. To my amazement, it dropped the humidity level from 70% to 45%. I took a shower later the same day and was astonished with how good the bathroom smelled while I was toweling off. If I can’t get constant flow of conditioned air coming from the central air conditioner, at least I can dry out the bathroom to achieve much of the same effect. I don’t mind if I have to pay more on my electric bill to cover the cost of running a dehumidifier, it’s worth it to keep a sanitary bathroom.

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The air conditioning in my car stopped working on a cross country road trip

I had gone five years without taking a single vacation from work.

My company changed its policies right before I took my position and restricted paid time off to employees that had been with the company for five or more years.

Living paycheck to paycheck makes taking a holiday on my own dime completely out of the question. So by the time I was ready to request my first PTO vacation, I was brimming with excitement. One of my friends from college had talked to me at length regarding the two of us taking a cross-country road trip. We hadn’t seen each other in years and it was something we discussed doing in college at length a number of times. At last we had the money and the ability to take paid time off from our employers. He flew in from a few states north of my location, and we planned to take my old SUV for the trip. I thought the mechanic had checked everything in his inspection, but apparently he overlooked the air conditioner. We were on day three of our trip when the air conditioner suddenly quit working. Before I could sort my thoughts, I panicked. I started looking on my phone for nearby mechanics, deciding to stop early in Nashville instead of Memphis like we had hoped. Unfortunately, my air conditioner compressor was broken. I was hoping that it was simply low on coolant, because that’s a cheap and easy fix. Neither one of us had enough money for the repairs, so that meant taking the car the rest of the way without air conditioning. We still had a fun trip, but I’d be lying if I said we weren’t miserably hot the entire time after the air conditioner stopped working.

Cooling technology

I love my new sweat suit.

When I saw a sale at my favorite sporting store, I couldn’t wait to go.

I was thinking about buying new golf shoes and I needed a new sweat suit for jogging this winter.

The day the sale began, I was waiting for them to unlock the door. I was going there before going to work. I walked in the store and the manager accosted. He grabbed my arm while thanking me for getting there so quickly. Before I knew it, I was being half dragged to the back of the store. He pointed to the air conditioner and asked me if I could get it running? I was an HVAC technician, so I knew I could get an air conditioning unit running. I went back out to my truck and grabbed my tools. Within an hour, I had the air conditioner running. I called into the office and told them why I would be late. The manager began laughing and told me the store manager had called the company not ten minutes before I called. He would cancel the service call he had just put out to another HVAC technician. It took me less than an hour to have the air conditioning unit repaired. I charged him for the service call and I got ready to leave. I stopped by the golf shoes on the way out and picked up a pair that fit perfectly. I also looked at the sweat suits. They had a couple that were my size and perfect for jogging on a cold winter day. When I went to pay, the manager came out and thanked me, while authorizing the check out person to give me an extra 25% discount.

Mini split air conditioner

What happened to the HVAC tech?

I have been sitting at home, while waiting for my HVAC technician to arrive.

I would normally enjoy taking a day off in the middle of the week.

I could get a lot of my chores down and run to town for groceries, or just to do some window shopping. Today, the only chore I have on my day-off list, is to clean the attic. Unfortunately, I am afraid to get up there and not be able to hear the doorbell. There is nothing I dislike more than having an appointment with someone and having that person be late, or not show up. That was exactly how it looked like my day was turning out. I had to admit that I did get to read a good book that I had been wanting to read for the last year. That didn’t stop me from being upset over the fact that I should have had an HVAC technician in my home by noon. I looked at the clock and realized it was already 5PM when I finished the book. I hadn’t received a text or phone call about his arrival. No one had rung my doorbell. I decided I had to call the HVAC before they left for the day. When I got in touch with the receptionist, she told me they didn’t have anyone scheduled to come to my house. She told me they had set up a house call with an HVAC technician for the next day. I was getting ready to argue with her when she told me the time and date. I asked her what day it was? That’s when I realized I was thinking it was Wednesday when it was only Tuesday.

quality HVAC

I stuck my head in the freezer to get cool

I had every fan in the house running on high

The days can be long and hot when you live in the desert. I used to think there wasn’t anything that could make me live in the desert, but that was before I met my husband. When I met him, I knew I would go anywhere with him. I had a job that allowed me to work from home, as long as I had a fax and a photocopier. I had both, and that is why I am finding myself in the middle of the desert. I married the man of my dreams and I am now living in this crazy place. I really didn’t think it could get any worse than it was when I had to go. My husband laughs at me when I say I didn’t think. He tells me not to tempt fate. I wish I had listened to my husband about tempting fate. The next day, we hit a high for our area of 108 degrees. Earlier, I had said that days are long and hot when you live in the desert. When the air conditioning breaks, the days are even longer and hotter. Even my computer didn’t want to work without the air conditioning. I called the HVAC company as soon as I saw the temperature beginning to rise. They weren’t overly busy, but they said it would take about six hours before they could get to the house. I had every fan in the house running on high. I was spending some time working and some time with my head in the freezer. By the time the HVAC tech arrived, I was ready to kiss him; I was so happy to see him there.


Air conditioning repair

I can’t afford this energy bill.

Every month for the last six months, I have watched my energy bill get a little higher. At first it was just a couple dollars. This month it went up over $10 more than the previous month. Over six months, my energy bill has gone up over $40. I have never seen my energy bill this high. I knew that there had to be something in my house that was causing this much of a raise. I started checking to make sure all the lights were out and that my daughter hadn’t forgotten to unplug her blow dryer or curling iron. I know she had done it before. I also checked to make sure the thermostat was all turned off in the unused rooms. When I ran out of energy thieves to check, I called the HVAC company. I wanted them to do an energy loss test on my home. When the HVAC technician finally arrived, he asked when I had last had my ductwork cleaned, and if I had my air conditioning unit serviced. I admitted I had forgotten to have the AC unit serviced, but I had never had my ductwork cleaned. The HVAC tech told me that if there was a lot of dust and debris in the ductwork, it could cause the HVAC system to work harder. When the HVAC system was working harder, there was more energy use. I had the ductwork cleaned and the AC unit serviced. Now, I just need to wait to see if the energy bill goes down over the next two bills.

HVAC service