Jerry wants central air conditioning

My buddy Jerry has been upset about a lot of things in life. I shouldn’t say upset, more like jealous that everyone has what he wants but he can’t afford anything. I keep telling him that he needs to get a better job because he is not getting a decent pay at his current employment. He doesn’t listen because he loves his job and it does just enough for him to survive day to day. Still, I have to listen to his complaints and jealousy weekly. Recently with temperatures getting warmer, he keeps saying he wants to get central air conditioning installed. He said that he is tired of his ceiling fan and his box fan to try and keep cool from the breeze. I know for one, that wouldn’t ever be good for me. I have kids and they run all the time. My family has central air conditioning which I installed a few summers ago from our local HVAC company. It was worth the cost and installation. Jerry thinks he can buy everything and do all the HVAC maintenance himself. This guy only knows how to change his air filters and really nothing else. He really should have an HVAC tech take care of the central air conditioning portion. I understand he doesn’t have the money but if he doesn’t have the money, then he shouldn’t get central air conditioning installed. I can see why he wants it installed after coming into my house. It’s just comforting and after being outside in the heat, it’s nice to have cooling in the house.

a/c professional