I fell into the window air conditioner
This summer has been difficult. I should have known better than to start a roofing business a few years ago because there may be times when I work more than 60 hours per week. I spend the entire day in the sun, and it has taken a toll on my body, so it is agonizing. I get very little sleep because of how much I work. I have a small fear that one day I will fall off a roof and pass away. I only share a small portion of my excessive coffee consumption with my family. I estimate that I drink 8 coffees daily. So maybe I’ll have a heart attack as a result of everything if I don’t fall off a roof. I am aware that the amount I am drinking is risky, but I must continue until I hire more roofers. Finding good people you can rely on to carry out the task at hand is difficult. There is nothing I can do to conceal the exhaustion my family can see in me. I experienced some anxiety yesterday. My head started to feel fuzzy, and I passed out. They claimed that I slammed my face into the window air conditioner when I woke up early today. I was a little disoriented from the medication, but they claimed I had a mild concussion. I’m being kept in the hospital until the doctor clears me to go. My son informed me that our HVAC technician neighbor, John, is taking care of the window air conditioner because I believe I struck it so hard that it flew out the window. We’re fortunate to have a neighbor who works for the HVAC company, but I need to hire more roofers to prevent this from happening again.