Fixing rooftop HVAC units
My favorite thing to do is fix HVAC systems. I am an independent expert in heating and cooling. When business is slow, I also work on the side for a nearby heating and air conditioning company. The local heating and air conditioning company recently sent me out on a job to fix a rooftop heating and air conditioning system while I was working there. I would never take on this at my independent heating and air conditioning company. Because rooftop heating and air conditioning systems are more challenging to repair, and because they are not as common, I was unable to learn anything about them when I was in heating and cooling school. As a result, I have to wing it and hope that I can fix rooftop heating and cooling systems in a reasonable amount of time when I work as a part-time technician for the local heating and cooling company. The majority of the time, I do because I am accustomed to doing it and have done so frequently. To be honest, I really dread having to go out and fix one of those rooftop heating and cooling systems every single time. like the time they gave me a job for that last week. The time it ultimately took me to complete the task was almost two times longer than it would have taken an expert in rooftop HVAC repair. However, I managed to get by and, thankfully, escaped without incident. I just sincerely hope that I never again have to fix one of these rooftop heating and air conditioning system units.