I found a pretty good guy that is smart and funny
One of my friends recommended a dating service and I was hesitant to set up an online profile. I was worried that I would run into a crazy stalker or a serial killer. My friend told me that I watch too many mystery and horror movies. He helped me set up a profile one night when we were hanging out at my apartment. I got more than a dozen hits in the first eight hours. One of the guys had a really cute profile picture. He had a dog in the picture with him and the dog was just as cute as the guy. I messaged him and we struck up a conversation about the dog. We had a pretty nice talk online and we also talked on the phone for a bit. We had a lot of things in common. I decided to meet the guy named Jack at a coffee restaurant. His picture was spot-on. He really didn’t make any changes to make his appearance look any different. Of course, he didn’t need to do that, because he was handsome. The two of us talked at the coffee house for a while. Jack was smart and funny. He told me that he was working full-time as a repairman. When I mentioned an issue with my air conditioner at home, Jack was more than willing to go back to my house to look at the problem. I thought it was a sweet offer, but I did not accept. I had just met the guy and I did not think it was safe to have him come back to my apartment. Even if he was an authorized air conditioner repairman, I still thought it was better to have the work done during the day.