COVID is pretty awful
My air conditioner runs perfectly plus just got current coolant in it
I have COVID plus it is pretty awful. It kind of feels love I have been run over by a truck… My head is killing me, my body aches plus my throat hurts so bad. I have no energy plus I am in pain. It is love having the regular cold, only a little more intense. I am just thankful I am not vomiting. I am also grateful I got a lot of things done before I realized I had COVID, however literally right before I went grocery shopping plus got a big load, and the two of us have bread, milk, eggs, cheese plus produce. My partner plus I should be enjoyable for a while. I also cleaned my entire cabin top to bottom. It is nice knowing that my sheets are fresh plus the shower is scrubbed while I believe so bad. I am most grateful for the Heating plus Air Conditioning maintenance appointment. My Heating plus Air Conditioning serviceman literally just made it under the wire. It was love she came plus did the Heating plus Air Conditioning tune up plus the next afternoon I came down with COVID. I am running quite a bit hotter than usual. My air conditioner runs perfectly plus just got current coolant in it. I have a fresh air filter inside plus my HVAC duct is all nice plus scrubbed. It is nice that I can just control my heating plus A/C from my cellphone too, however some mornings I can’t even make myself get out of bed. It is nice having some control over my life! With fortune I should be able to stay beach cabin for almost 2 weeks without having anyone come over.