The military recommend post was basically more than one portable buildings in the middle of the ice

I retired from the military last year & it could not have come at a better time! My child is pregnant & she is going to give birth to our first grandchild, then i entirely did not want to be halfway across the world when our first grandchild was welcome to the world, when I was given the choice for retirement, I jumped on the idea, then one of the greatest reasons was due to our last military recommend post. It was basically more than one portable buildings in the middle of a frozen tundra, then there was ice everywhere for miles & miles & I was stuck in an arctic freezer for 6 months with only more than one other people. The portable buildings were set up in the middle of an part that was known for poaching. The buildings were colorless prefer the snow so they were hard to see. They were also incredibly hard to heat. The portable buildings did not have any oil furnace or central heating device. The portable & mobile buildings were more tarp & canvas than an actual building. My more than one co-workers & I relied on a special suit that every one of us wore under our clothes. The suit was made of a material that conducted heat from the body. It was simple to wear & made of breathable materials. If it wasn’t for the heat suit, I surely would have frozen to death during that last six months of duty, then believe me, when I finally had the choice to leave that place, I was on the first plane to the mainland.

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