Still haven’t had to buy HVAC air filters yet
It’s funny that we are well into the heart of spring and I’m still using the HVAC air filters I bought before Thanksgiving.
And no, thats not a 3 pack of HVAC air filter either.
I’m talking about the air filters that come in a case and are on the lower end of the air filter chain. Each Thanksgiving, just before the actual day, I get to the hardware to purchase that case of less expensive HVAC air filters. And I put a good dent in them between Thanksgiving day and just after New Year’s day. The reason I buy that many air filters is because I’m changing them so often. This is the result of having a wife and daughter who go completely overboard when it comes to holiday candles. Seriously, depending on the night, there could be 50 or more candles going in our house at once. That’s a lot of candles. And that also produces a lot of burnt candle wax as well. And guess where all that burnt candle wax ends up? You guessed it. The HVAC equipment kicks on and sucks all that airborne candle wax to the HVAC return. Once there, it simply begins to coat the air filter in place. Hence all the cheaper air filters. I literally have to replace those air filters about once every 10 days and sometimes more. I’ve got like two more left in the case. But I’ll save them for next year as it’s the time of year that we need to put the HEPA filters back. That helps control the pollen in the air and produce better indoor air quality as the air conditioning starts staying on longer and longer.