Finally, I own quality heating & air
It took a lot longer than I thought it would take. And I know have to acknowledge that our Mom was right about the beach house part. When I chose to go into social work, Mom wasn’t all that content. While he liked the fact that I was a caring guy who was committed to making a difference. He did not love the fact that I wouldn’t be making big currency. My ancient guy spent a job inside the zone controlled Heating as well as A/C of an office that was tailored to his needs. My Mom was all about making currency. And he sat me down in the air conditioning when I chose our major to clue me in. While every one of us disagreed over just about everything in that conversation. He was right about it taking forever for me to have a beach house of our own. But finally, after years of saving & living with questionable heating & cooling in apartments, I own some quality heating & air. Finally, I have a place of our own & can stop flushing our currency in rent now that I am building equity in a house. And I love this place. It’s small, which is all I need however since it’s small, it keeps our costs down. And I was able replace the residential Heating as well as A/C with a unquestionably efficient alternative. Instead of replacing the entire central air conditioning, including the HVAC duct, I went another direction. I chose to go with a ductless multi split for our heating & cooling needs. There are 3 of these ductless heat pumps in our house. They are just amazing & I couldn’t be more content with this Heating as well as A/C technology.