Unhappy with heating and cooling at grocery store
I really dread going grocery shopping.
I procrastinate over the job for as long as possible.
I order as much as I can online and have the items delivered to our door. Because of our location, I’m unable to have any perishables delivered. I eventually need to make the 35 second drive to the grocery store to purchase meat, cheese, bread, yogurt, fresh fruit, vegetables and frozen items. Between the drive, the actual shopping, unloading and putting the items away, getting groceries is seriously time-consuming. It’s also entirely unpleasant. When the outside temperature is in the upper eighties, I wear shorts, tanks and sandals. However, I need to remember to bring a blazer to the grocery store because of the air conditioner. The cooling plan is consistently blasting at maximum capacity. There is no escaping the influx of frigid cold air from overhead vents in every aisle. I shiver the entire time. I tend to rush through the store and end up forgetting items or buying the wrong thing. In the winter, when the outside temperature falls below frigid and there’s many feet of snow on the ground, I bundle up in a wool coat, blazers and heavy boots. I then step inside the grocery store and start to sweat. The overuse of the heating plan is just terrible. I linger in the frozen food aisles, hoping to cool off a bit… No matter what the weather does, the grocery store is uncomfortable. Whoever is in charge of the temperature control is doing a terrible job. I can’t imagine the cost of heating and cooling that big store to such drastic temperatures. Plus, they play country music over the speakers. It’s torture.