He can repair anything
I genuinely lucked out because my hubby is handy.
I have found that he can basically repair anything in the home that goes wrong. When we first moved in it was care about everything was going to shambles. My hubby had to repair the dryer multiple times before he upgraded the common section to keep it going. He stopped my dishwasher from leaking plus got the ice maker up plus running. There were outdoor lights that he got working again plus my stove was a little messed up for a while. He can handle plumbing, electrical plus I found out recently, Heating and Air Conditioning. Our a/c was a mess for a long time. It just wasn’t the priority. When you turned on the AC, it was a little hot. It felt care about warm air coming out of the vents. The AC did a good job despite this. When Summer hit it got to be genuinely bad. My hubby messed around inside for a morning before he determined it must be the outdoor unit. He saw the issue right away. Our outdoor air compressor was at an angle. Due to this, the coolant was all pulled to a single side. So when the a/c turned on, there was no coolant in the air. That was why we had warm air. After my hubby righted the unit with blocks, we had an icy frigid AC again. It was such a relief that we didn’t have to battle the humidity plus heat indoors. I was so thankful I didn’t need to call an air conditioning system business either.