We were planning to have a winter carnival

We are going to have to figure out something really soon because the winter carnival is supposed to be in two weeks

We were planning on having a winter carnival for kids at our church in the activity center, but now the old oil heater that’s out there isn’t working. We always try to have something fun to do during the winter because there just isn’t all that much to do here where we live for kids. It’s nice to offer things like jumpy houses, games, and magicians for kids for free during the winter at church. We always love doing that sort of thing for our community and we do it just about every year. So whenever we started planning everything and getting everything together for the carnival,we were really upset to find out that the old oil heater that’s in the activity center was not working. We have been thinking about putting in a new I efficiency electric furnace for awhile now, but we just have not gotten around to it yet. It’s one of those things that we keep putting it off because we like to spend money on the community instead of on our church facility. That’s just how we are , but this time it has kind of come back to bite us. Since we want to have this carnival, we are gonna have to do something about the heating situation because it’s way too cold outside to host kids here without a working furnace. We are going to have to figure out something really soon because the winter carnival is supposed to be in two weeks. I’m going to call the local commercial HVAC company today to see what they can do for us.

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