There’s a cold spot in my living room

There’s a cold spot in my living room and I don’t know where it is coming from. It’s the most annoying thing that you can imagine, especially when I try to work in the living room in the mornings. Usually, my living room is the quietest area in my house. My husband and my kids tend to stay in the other part of the house, and so when I’m working during the day, I go into the living room so that I can get some peace and quiet. It’s also where the gas log fireplace is so if it’s drafty and cold, I just turn on the fireplace and I usually sit there and feel nice and toasty while I’m trying to get through all of my video calls and meetings during the day. However, recently there has been this cold spot that keeps popping up in the living room. I did some reading about cold spots and I read that sometimes it means that there is an issue with your ventilation system. Apparently, if you need new ductwork sealing in your air ducts, you might end up with a cold spot here and there throughout your house. I’m wondering if that’s not what is happening at my house. The cold spot in the living room is the only place that there is an issue at all. Maybe there is a crack or a hole in the ductwork somewhere in my living room. Whatever the reason, I have to get it fixed because I can’t work in the living room anymore now that there is this spot in there. I just can’t get warm.


multi split air conditioning