A ventilation system for a smoking lounge
I was beyond stoked when our neighborhood got its first cannabis dispensary.
I knew they were becoming more frequent in big cities, but out here in the country both of us had to wait a couple years to catch up, however medical marijuana was already legal, but that law didn’t do much good if there were no sites to buy it! Thankfully that dark time is gone, and I am a regular client at the dispensary… Last year I was there, and the manager was talking to the employees about adding a modern smokers lounge, then as a heating, ventilation, and A/C tech, I gave him some advice on what kind of plan to use for it.
Although they had a list of regulations and spec that all dispensaries had to follow, they had no system which kind of heating, ventilation, and A/C plan to use to meet the strict standards. I gave the paperwork to take to the apartment and to take a closer look at it, and then come back with a heating, ventilation, and A/C contractor method and price quote. I didn’t run the work through my heating, ventilation, and A/C contractor, I wanted to handle it on my own as a freelance worker. I won’t say it was easy work, and it was the first full heating, ventilation, and A/C installation work I worked by myself, but the results were fantastic. The owner was satisfied with the ventilation in the modern smokers lounge, and said he would suggest it to other dispensary owners. The pay was nice, but best of all I was granted a permanent employee discount at the dispensary, for all future purchases.