Why am I the 1 that babysits servicemen?

When you work from condo all the people assumes you don’t undoubtedly have a task.

My partner is undoubtedly quick to have me meet delivery men, sign for things, babysit suppliers and run errands.

He acts adore I am a stay at condo wifey. I work just adore he does, I am just not in an office outside of our home. I have our own office space and I don’t adore to disrupt our day. Anything outside of it does. My partner will frequently schedule things and tell me at the last minute. The other day I was so frustrated with him. He tied up a HVAC upgrade in the middle of the day on Wednesday. I had to rest outside with our computer while the HVAC supplier went to work. Thankfully the HVAC professionals didn’t require a lot of our input. I still had to let them in the house, greet them and show them where I wanted the equipment. I needed to confirm I did want the HVAC on a brick pad and that I was okay with the amount on the bill. I also needed to be on hand in case anything went wrong. Right when I got back into our work day, they finished and needed to be paid. So again, I was supported. It wasn’t the HVAC companies fault at all. The HVAC workers honestly were undoubtedly pleasant and did a superb task. I was just unhappy that I was the 1 inconvenienced during our work day. I told our partner I am not doing this again.



commercial air conditioning system