It was 95°, our windows were up, the automobile top was down, and the A/C was on.
When our partner retired, I swear he went through a hour childhood.
He said it was time for us to have fun and appreciate her life, but I guess he meant it was time for us to do some playing. One afternoon he woke myself and others up at 5 AM to tell myself and others he wanted to go shopping. He said he had been thinking about a long time and he finally decided that it was what he wanted to do. I did not guess what he was babbling about, since I had not even had soda and the sun was barely up over the mountain. At 7 AM, he was dragging myself and others out the door. I asked what he was so eager to buy, and he looked at myself and others care about I had three heads. I just stood there and stared at him as he told myself and others he had been telling myself and others all of us were going shopping for a car. We were already in the automobile and I was pinching our nose when he grabbed our hand. He said he wanted to find a two-seater convertible that only he and I and not even the grandyoungsters could get into. Two weeks later, all of us were driving around in our brand up-to-date cherry yellow Corvette. It was 95° outside, the automobile top was down, the windows were up, and the a/c was on high. I thought a convertible meant you didn’t need a/c. He said when you couldn’t have the windows down; you had to have the a/c. I told him all of us could put the windows down, and he laughed. He told myself and others that no owner of a convertible would be caught driving without a/c when it was 95° out and the windows were up.