HVAC unit and HVAC duct have to match

That’s what I mean about failing ever so miserably at this HVAC replacement

I do our best to simplify the stuff in our life. There is no use or value to stressing over much of anything. But to stress over stuff that you don’t fully understand is just dumb. So I do our best to get all the facts to a challenge before I start trying to figure things out. Well, with a recent HVAC unit replace, I failed at that quite miserably. The HVAC professional did a good thing by giving us plenty of warning when it came to the demise of our HVAC equipment. This offered us time not only to save some currency for the replacement however to get the details ironed out with the HVAC company. And this is where I completely dropped the ball. Instead of going directly to the HVAC company that we have dealt with for years, I simply went online. I had the model and brand of the old HVAC unit so I figured that I could just find what I needed online at a discount. What I didn’t believe was that the size of the HVAC unit is essential. Had I just gone to the HVAC company, they would have took care of our home first. And that would have revealed that the HVAC duct was not going to fit with the HVAC unit that I had chosen. But I didn’t do that and this was brought to our attention after I had purchased the HVAC unit. That’s what I mean about failing ever so miserably at this HVAC replacement. The two of us had to start over however the HVAC company helped myself and others unload the HVAC unit that wouldn’t work.


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