Fall holiday

Taking a holiday in the fall is something that me & our wife do every year.

Every one of us usually do it right at the end of October when the weather is cooling off & we can get a month off from work.

This year we decided to take our holiday back east where our wife grew up, & we stayed in a hotel in the city. It was a absolutely great time we had & the hotel was even better. They had the best central heating in there that I suppose I have ever experienced. Back east it is getting absolutely cold at night this time of the year, & we were grateful that they had such lovely central heating. Also, on top of the great central heating they also had great air quality. Hotels in the neighborhood sometimes suffer from bad air quality because of it being in a scheduled neighborhood area, but this hotel must have had something similar to a whole apartment air purification method or something. Because the air quality was the absolute best right up there with the central gas furnace. When we got home, we were absolutely thankful for the lovely time we had & the great hotel we got to stay in, our central heating at apartment is not as good, but it does the task. And the air quality here at apartment is also not as good. It got us thinking that we may want to invest in a whole apartment media air cleaner.


gas furnace