The exhaust fan in the laundry room was broken

The laundry room in our house is across the hall from the dining room.

  • The room has a door to the garage and a door that leads to the rest of the house.

I have numerous teenagers at house and I am constantly doing laundry. Everyday I toil on many or numerous loads of clothes so the pile never gets enormous. When the washer and dryer are running all morning, the climate in the laundry room and the dining room is muggy, humid, and hot. I had an exhaust fan in the laundry room to help with the heat and the moisture, but it stopped working last year and our hubby never fixed it. I have been hounding him every weekend since Summer started to fix the fan, because it’s truly affecting the indoor air conditions and I guess the problem is causing the AC to run more frequently. That will not be fine for our electric bills this summer. I looked up the parts for the exhaust fan online Last weekand I found out that it only cost seventeen bucks for the upgradement parts. I begged our hubby to complete the repair or call someone for me. He had plans to go golfing with some friends, so he called an Heating, Ventilation and A/C repair repair to complete the work. He paid almost $150 for someone else to upgrade the parts on the exhaust fan so he did not have to miss his tee time. There might be more troubles in this house than the exhaust fan. I don’t guess house repairs should take a back seat to golf.

heating maintenance