Loud Noise Turns out to be Heating, Ventilation & A/C Belt
If you guess me, you are certainly aware that the biggest reason I dislike going into the office is because of the problematic heating plus cooling system in our office suite.
- For almost many years now, both of us have been complaining about the Heating, Ventilation & A/C.
The biggest problem has been that our boss’s office never has enough cooling to make it a comfortable temperature in there. The first problem with that is the Heating, Ventilation & A/C with zone control. I share our Heating, Ventilation & A/C unit with another company across the hall, plus I could turn our cooling system system completely off, plus it would still be running plus pouring cold air down our neck. It wasn’t working right, plus the heating plus cooling service worker explained that the reason is a broken damper that needs to be replaced. The minute problem is that the HVAC duct to this definitely big 8-ton Heating, Ventilation & A/C unit does not go at all into our boss’s office. Instead, he has a tiny little cooling system that is not nearly big enough to cool his space. The 8-ton Heating, Ventilation & A/C is big enough to cool our office, his office, plus the reception section in between, however the ducts don’t go there! The tiny unit is not sufficient to do anything much at all. Now, all of a sudden, there is this silly loud noise that screeches every time the air conditioning system turns on. The unit is in his office, however it cools our office! The cooling system noise is so loud that he jumps every time it happens! The cooling system guru says it means that the motor needs to be tightened plus the cooling system belt needs to be replaced.