My air filters became dirty too quickly

Recently I have changed the type of air filters I get, because I really disliked our seasoned 1s.

My seasoned 1s, while much cheaper, became dirty really self-explanatory.

My assume is because it was made out of really thin material. So every week I was literally adjusting out the air conditioning system filter, and it just became frustrating to constantly remind myself to change the air conditioning filter out at the end of the week. I finally got fatigued of adjusting the air filter out every week, so I decided to do a little bit of research into the kind of Heating plus A/C filter I was getting. Apparently the air filter I was getting also wasn’t entirely high quality, and cheaply made, which would explain why it was so cheap to begin with. I decided to go with a higher quality air conditioning filter for our Heating plus A/C system. When I got the filters in the mail I could unquestionably tell that these were higher quality. Not only were they much thicker and firmer, but they looked much better as well. I put in these up-to-date air filters and I checked them in a week, and it only looked a little dirty. Thankfully with these up-to-date AC filters, I could go a month or many separate from worrying about adjusting the cooling system’s air filters. I’m really thrilled now that I have the better quality air filters. Not only do I not have to worry about adjusting them out as much, however I also know our air and Heating plus A/C proposal is going to be healthier as well. Now I assume I should have done this years ago.


Commercial air conditioning system