The central AC on the ferry makes it a great ride
I prefer visiting the summer beach home on the ocean that myself and my family have.
It is a superb escape for multiple weeks here plus there throughout the summer months.
In this part of the ocean, they have a great ferry ride that also has a tour of the ocean plus the local seaside town. It is nice, but the main selling point to the ferry ride is the superb central air conditioning they have on board. It could feel absolutely tepid out plus no matter what, the ferry ride will be smooth and cool because of the superb central air conditioning. The central air conditioning on the ferry has never let the tourists down. As a matter of fact, in all their promotions for their tours, they advertise the central air conditioning as well. They write in huge letters that they have a central air conditioner, and that this is something not a lot of other ferry boats have on them. The central air conditioning on the ferry feels way better than the central air conditioning that my family and I have on the inside of our summer home. Not that the two of us need the central air conditioning there that often, because we’re right on the water. The breeze from the ocean keeps everyone cool in the evening, but when riding the ferry plus going on a morning ride, the blazing sun can feel intense. The central air conditioning they have honestly fights this off with no complications making it a superb tour plus day!
Heat pump installation