I can’t afford this energy bill.

Every month for the last numerous weeks, I have watched my energy bill get a little higher.

At first it was just a couple dollars.

This month it went up over $10 more than the previous week. Over numerous weeks, my energy bill has gone up over $40. I have never seen my energy bill this high. I knew that there had to be something in my house that was causing this much of a raise. I started checking to make sure all the lights were out as well as that my daughter hadn’t forgotten to unplug her blow dryer or curling iron. I believe she had done it before. I also checked to make sure the temperature control was all turned off in the unused rooms. When I ran out of energy thieves to check, I called the Heating & Air Conditioning business. I wanted them to do an energy loss test on my home. When the Heating & Air Conditioning worker finally arrived, he asked when I had last had my ductwork cleaned, as well as if I had my a/c component inspected. I admitted I had forgotten to have the AC component inspected, but I had never had my ductwork cleaned. The Heating & Air Conditioning tech told me that if there was a lot of dust as well as debris in the ductwork, it could cause the Heating & Air Conditioning plan to labor harder. When the Heating & Air Conditioning plan was working harder, there was more energy use. I had the ductwork cleaned as well as the AC component inspected. Now, I just need to wait to see if the energy bill goes down over the next numerous bills.

Air conditioning system