Putting together a new HVAC company
I have constantly known since day 1 that I was meant to run my own business.
I never did care for the idea of laboring for someone else when if I did it right I could be my own boss.
It was a dream I had for a long period of time, but at some point I realized that if I wanted it enough then I would need to stop dreaming plus make it happen. So that’s precisely what I did. I wanted to start my own heating plus cooling device supplier to compete with the new HVAC companies in our town… All the HVAC corporations in our town charged crazy prices for the most basic of heating plus cooling device services, such as oil furnace plus air conditioner repair plus installation. I heard the story of a lady who lived nearby that spent a huge amount of money on HVAC replacements. Between having air purifiers placed in her household and easy ductwork cleaning alone cost her a huge amount of money. I had saved up a good amount of money plus used that money to invest in my up-to-date business. But I couldn’t do it on my own, I didn’t really know much about gas furnaces plus A/C devices. So I got the help of a friend of mine who used to work for a giant heating plus cooling corporation. She educated myself and others plus undoubtedly helped me get to where I am today. I was fortunate plus my up-to-date company is providing parts, repairs, plus installations for all gas furnaces plus cooling devices and things really took off. It was the best decision of my life, plus I was able to help my community at the same time.