Liking the taste of black tea
Catechins, flavonoids and tannins are examples of polyphenols found in black tea
I have never liked the taste of coffee, and I avoid the sugar and carbonation of soda. Since I don’t always want to drink water, I turned to tea. I can enjoy hot or iced tea in a wide variety of flavors. It’s much healthier for me than coffee. It’s easy to prepare and available at every grocery store, coffee shop and restaurant. While I’ve tried chamomile, green, ginger, raspberry, peach and all different kinds of tea, I prefer plain old black tea. It’s actually the most popular type of tea consumed worldwide.There are a ton of options when choosing a black tea to drink and all of them offer slightly different flavors. There’s Earl Gray, Darjeeling, masala chai, English breakfast and scented varieties such as rose black tea and lychee black tea. There’s also interesting blends such as Lapsang, Souchong, Keemun and Yunnan black tea. I’ve found that when I sit down at an upscale restaurant and order black tea, I’m usually presented with at least a dozen choices. I typically stick with regular English breakfast tea. Traditional black tea includes around 50 to 90 milligrams of caffeine in a cup. Strong coffee contains over 100 milligrams of caffeine per ounce. Tea is definitely way better for me than coffee. Plus, black tea offers an assortment of plant-based compounds called polyphenols that provide various health benefits. Catechins, flavonoids and tannins are examples of polyphenols found in black tea. These plant compounds serve as antioxidants. To enjoy maximum health advantages from black tea, I use loose leaves rather than tea bags and avoid adding milk or sugar.
Caffeine-free Tea