Author: admin

A humidifier helps get rid of gross air

winter is a charming time of the year where everywhere you look there is snow as well as calmness. Well, at times you experience blizzards as well as snowstorms, however but, it’s charming when the landscape turns pale white as well as you can play in the snow. In millions of homes across the country, […]

A humidifier helps get rid of icky air

winter is a attractive time of the year where everywhere you look there is snow and calmness. Well, at times you experience blizzards and snowstorms, but, it’s beautiful when the landscape turns colorless and you can play in the snow. In millions of homes across the country, the heaters come on when the hot and […]

A humidifier helps get rid of digusting air

winter season is a attractive time of the year where everywhere you look there is snow and calmness. Well, at times you experience blizzards and snowstorms, but, it’s beautiful when the landscape turns colorless and you can play in the snow. In millions of homes across the country, the furnaces come on when the hot […]

Air conditioning technology is my favorite

When I think about all the heating and air conditioner technology over the years, I have decided that the current heating and air conditioner technology is my favorite. Some people may disagree with me, being older like me, however there are so many benefits to today’s heating and air conditioner technology that did not exist […]

Heating is glowing red hot

I don’t know about you, but I always know when my central heating and air conditioner unit is going to break down. How do I know, you may ask? Well, just listen closely when your heating or your cooling comes on, and if you hear a thumping noise, that usually means that the motor is […]

On the fence about cooling in the home

I have heard all the hype about portable gas heating systems and portable cooling systems. However, I am pretty much on the fence about the concept of using them in place of our central heating and air conditioner unit. The reason I say this is that I do not feel that a portable gas furnace […]

Furnace for the bedtime hours

I recently went out and bought a portable gas furnace to have in the family room for when I sleep at night. The reason I did this was because the air flow from my central heating and air conditioner idea is not that good in the family room and I have been freezing my tail […]

Air ductwork fast cleaning

I recently got the air ducts of my central heating and air conditioner cleaned. I called a local heating and air conditioner specialist, who is an independent supplier, to do it because the prices were cheaper than the major heating and air conditioner supplier in my area. I have to tell you that I was […]