Part of the ductwork replacement was to map out the house layout

John was in for a time of his life when he bought the farm in the rural area, but he wanted to escape the mouse race and be more self-sufficient, so, without thinking too much about it, he sold his apartment, and bought a small farm; This site had reMEd vacant for years and was on the market for a great price, in fact, he didn’t have to take out a mortgage to purchase it, and managed to negotiate with the realtor… When John moved there, he lived in an RV for 8 months as he diagnosed a few issues with the house, then first, he had to get a modern roof installed.

Second, there was the matter of the lack of heating and cooling. There were no signs of a heating and AC system in the farmhouse, so John had to start from the start. He hired a local Heating, Ventilation & A/C business to help him figure this matter out and do the replacement, however not only did he need a Heating, Ventilation & A/C system, however the house had to get brand modern ductwork set up… Part of the ductwork replacement was to map out the layout of the house. Then, the Heating, Ventilation & A/C business sent him a bid detailing all that was necessary for the task. This was a giant sum, however John was lucky he had currency to use on this investment. He also began documenting his journey and garnered a following on social media. Through this, he got paid for YouTube pleased, and even got donations. Soon, all the ductwork was in site, and the central Heating, Ventilation & A/C system was ready for use in his modern home.


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