Author: admin

Replacing old boiler with a heat pump

My parents’ house is old as well as has constantly had a boiler for heating, my brother, our firstborn, decided it would be more cost as well as energy efficient to have them shift to new heating technology; As an engineer, he ismore exposed to the heating industry, so my buddy and I constantly follow […]

Replacing seasoned furnace with a heat pump

My parents’ dwelling is seasoned plus has constantly had a furnace for heating; My sister, our firstborn, decided it would be more cost plus energy efficient to have them shift to new heating technology… As an engineer, she has more exposed to the heating industry, so my friend and I constantly follow her recommendations without […]

My dad slipped into the window air conditioner

Over the past few weeks, Dad has been working a lot. His body has been suffering as you can see. I observe him consuming five cups of coffee a day, and that is before noon. He might drink more in the afternoon, but I can only assume. Owning your own roofing company, I suppose that’s […]

I slipped into the window air conditioner

This summer has not been easy. When I started my roofing business a few years ago, I should have known that there would likely be times when I would work more than 60 hours per week. Being in the sun all day has taken a toll on my body, making it agonizing. I don’t get […]

The largest HVAC unit I ever had seen

As I walked out of my kid’s school after dropping them off one morning, I couldn’t even begin to describe how startling it was to see my very first HVAC system for a business! This item was enormous! In my entire life, I had never seen or even known that a heating and air conditioning […]

The color green reminds me of air conditioning

You can usually find me out and about during the other seasons, so it’s kind of strange Birds are chirping, kids are outside riding their bikes, and you can see the manbods proudly mowing their lawns without wearing shirts now that spring has arrived. To be completely honest, I’m not into it, but I applaud […]