The color green reminds me of air conditioning

You can usually find me out and about during the other seasons, so it’s kind of strange

Birds are chirping, kids are outside riding their bikes, and you can see the manbods proudly mowing their lawns without wearing shirts now that spring has arrived. To be completely honest, I’m not into it, but I applaud them nonetheless. After a long winter, you can see the green of the leaves returning. Green is a sign that summer is approaching and that it will be warmer. Summer isn’t my favorite season, but I adore spring and fall. Although I am not someone who enjoys the beach, green always serves as a reminder that the beaches will soon open. Actually, I detest the oppressive heat. The color green serves as a reminder that I only have a short window of time to contact an HVAC company to have a look at my cooling system. I am capable of performing the minor maintenance, such as changing the air filters, but I always prefer to have an HVAC professional make sure everything is ready for the summer. The heat is something I want to avoid. Because I work from home, I don’t go out much during the summer unless it’s a family gathering, which is a huge plus in my life. Yes, the summer is when I gain the most weight because I order takeout frequently. You can usually find me out and about during the other seasons, so it’s kind of strange. Nobody else wants to, which is the issue. I realize it’s strange, but it’s how I go about living. I only have a short time left before the summer, after which I hibernate until the fall.

a/c install