Seeing air filters used as decorations

This is a pretty cool decoration however rather odd.

I used to go to this one church that was actually strict… There were certain rules that you had to follow to become a full member of the church! I realized during my time there that I certainly didn’t feel like going to the same church anymore. A few of my friends attend another church that is actually laid back where you don’t have to follow certain regimens to become a full member! Plus the church has live music plus the people are actually friendly. When I first got there I instantaneously noticed the music. There were at least 7 people on phase playing peculiar types of instruments. I genuinely felt like I was at a concert rather than a church. I thoroughly enjoyed myself plus I decided to go back for more. When I went back to the sermon the following Sunday I saw that there were current decorations on the stage. The current decorations were HVAC air filters. I instantaneously noticed its design. Air filters are rectangular plus they have a thin material that is distinct that doesn’t allow particles to pass through. This is a pretty cool decoration however rather odd. There were lights behind the air filter stacked looking lamp, that changed peculiar colors. I kept the air filter decoration idea in mind for a decoration that I could potentially use for an outside party. I thought it would be a good way to light an outdoor party with friends plus family. I want to show this idea to my sibling in law who is an HVAC worker, I feel like he would get a kick out of it.


smart hvac