Portable fan is decent cooling

As a delivery person, I enjoy taking packages and dropping them off at people’s doors. I could be delivering a gift, a child’s toy, or something someone is really looking forward to, which always makes me feel pretty good. Although I enjoy my job, there is one thing I really don’t care for, and that is my delivery truck not having air conditioning. In the fall and winter, this isn’t so bad. But once spring and summer hits, it is a miserable experience. So many days in the hot sun, without air conditioning, visiting all of these air conditioned homes, but not getting to enjoy any myself. Well, I came up with the bright idea to bring a portable fan, in hopes that the portable fan can help me keep cool. And I definitely have mixed feelings about it. The fan does a great job of blowing air in my face, but the air is not the cooling breeze I expected, it is instead hot air being blown in my face, which does not make much of a difference. I mean the cooling is decent, but nothing compared to a residential heating and air conditioning system. The only other thing I can think of is portable air conditioners, but those are a bit too large for my delivery truck. I guess for now I am going to be stuck with the overheated temperatures and mediocre fan. Although having the fan is better than nothing I suppose, hopefully I will find a solution soon.



a/c serviceman