Musical therapy is needed after a week of stressful Heating, Ventilation, & A/C repairs

One last story for me before I go straight into the enticingly cool sea that’s in front of me.

This week, I’ve decided to take my work to the beach & write my stories on my favorite spot on a bench surrounded by trees that supply plenty of shade.

It’s a appealing day; there is a nice & gentle breeze that is just right to make the temperature feel a bit cooler. The water is clean & there aren’t too many people around. I will have supper by the sea while I top up on vitamin D & get a nice tan to impress my boyfriend. The commute on the weather conditions controlled train was also pleasant, as the train’s a/c kept me nice & cool through the journey; Since it was overcast this afternoon, I didn’t bring my sunscreen; Now there is not a single cloud in the sky, so I may have to ask someone to supply me some of theirs or just have a beer at a bar with a cooling system. My neighbor called me this afternoon telling me he was stressed from doing Heating, Ventilation, & A/C repairs all week & asked me if I wanted to go out & play music by the pier. Since I also had a taxing week dealing with our outdated boiler that keeps cutting down, I agreed to meet him this afternoon at the local business, as music is a good way of releasing emotions, reducing stress, & improving mood. In other words, music is therapy for us.
