I was wary about bringing in a new roofing company

When I bought my first house, I had no idea what to expect.

My dad did his best to tell me what to do, but I still had a lot to learn.

Being a homeowner is so different from living in a rental loft with a maintenance person. When there was a problem in my rented apartment, all I had to do was call the person in charge of maintenance. She would come over to fix problems with the plumbing, electricity, and heat and air conditioning. When I had a problem with the water heater once, she came right over and fixed it. I definitely like taking a warm shower before going to work. But as a homeowner, I can’t just call a manager and tell them to take care of it. It’s up to me to find the right people for the job, or I could end up living a really bad life. One time I needed help was when I needed to fix my roof. My real estate agent told me to guess about the roof replacement when I bought the house. The last owner sold it for a low price because it needed a new roof, which I would have to pay for. I didn’t think this through, so I had a hard time finding the right roofing contractor for the job. My dad has worked with roofing companies before, so he helped me narrow down the list. My friend and I decided on a roofer who had a lot of good reviews and worked in my neighborhood. He would help me replace the roof and really also work on the siding. On his website, I saw that they fix both roofs and siding.


Siding Replacement