Friday was his siding contractor meeting

Last Friday, I wanted Ted to come with me to the estate, but he couldn’t make it. My friend and I love going to estate sales to look for old things, and we even have a website where we sell the things we find. All of this started when my friend and I decided to go to our first estate sale. Ted and I found some really cool things, like decorations, tools, clothes, shoes, and trifold brochures. When my friend and I got home with our haul, we took pictures and posted them on our social media pages. People started bidding in the comments section, which is how the business got started. Now, my friend and I make sure to know about all estate sales in the states near us. Even though the drive is sometimes long and tiring, my friend and I always bring home some great scores. On this particular Friday, Ted had a meeting with a siding contractor, so I had to go to the sale by myself. He bought a house the year before, and now the siding is coming off. He wanted the siding contractor to tell him what to do to improve the look of his house. When I got home, I talked to Ted, and he told me everything that happened at his meeting with the siding contractor. The guy said that replacing the siding should be done at the same time as putting on a new roof. Ted had roofers come to his house last month to take off the old roof and put on a new one. He hired a local roofing company to do the job, and they did a great job. Ted agreed with the siding contractor and chose replacement to make his home look even better.