A refrigerant leak and a scam

He said everything seemed to be up and running properly again, but it didn’t give any details as to what the issue was.

While it is always a good idea to seek out the help of an HVAC professional, you shouldn’t always assume that the company that you’re working with has your best interests in mind. For the past several months I have been having issues with my air conditioning system. It was not putting out sufficient amounts of cool air in my home. The first time I called out the HVAC technician he simply said that he needed to top off the refrigerant levels. I took him at his word, and sure enough, when he left that day, the air conditioning system seemed to be working as good as new, or maybe I just felt so relieved because I was finally getting a rush of strong cool air coming from the vent. However, in a mere matter of weeks, the air that was flowing out of the system was starting to lose its coolness again. I figured that the problem had not been solved completely, so I called out the HVAC technician again. He said he would take a look and talk about as much time with the system as he did the first time. He said everything seemed to be up and running properly again, but it didn’t give any details as to what the issue was. We tested the system, and sure enough cool air was rushing from the air vents again. Well, as you would expect, the air lost its cool a third time. This time I decided to call out a different HVAC technician who informed me that there was a leak in the refrigerant line that needed to be patched. Essentially, the other HVAC company was entirely willing to continue to send out HVAC technicians to top off the refrigerant levels only to let them leak out of the system so that they would be able to come back and recharge the system again and charge more money!


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