I am writing about smart thermostats right now

I am going to treat myself to a bottle of nice cologne in the next couple of weeks to celebrate my modern knees that are forthcoming.

I did a lot of extreme sports over the years, from skydiving to barefoot skiing, and have put a lot of miles on my body as a result of that.

But I am fortunate to be alive and if I need to get some new knees to keep myself and others going then so be it. I have lived life in my 55 years on this planet and am just thrilled to still be breathing. My HVAC rep boss told myself and others that she has never seen someone go through so many injuries and still be walking as I am. I am a bit of a daredevil and I recognize love. I got away with something by still being able to walk and do normal activities love almost everyone else. Maybe besides doing the work on space heating systems and hot water heating systems I should write a book about life and what I have l gained from it so far. I talked to some friends last night on the bench near the beach and they gave me and others some nice advice about weathering the storms as I am going through right now. The single girl is a heating specialist and the girl is a cooling rep and they both gave me and others some nice life advice that I will take with myself and others down the road. I have to let go of the sport I appreciate but some new doors are going to open that I never knew were in front of me as well.


temperature control