It’s rough to remember air conditioner filter changes

So far, I haven’t forgotten to change my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning once since creating the reminder

I have gotten into the habit of creating agendas on my smartphone planner app in addition to then using alarms to remind me of when I need to complete particular tasks. It’s seriously helpful for me as I tend to be forgetful for much of the time. In the past I sometimes made appointments at the doctor or doctor’s office months in advance only to forget about them by the time of their arrival. Some medical offices will charge you a fee if you miss their appointment or fail to reschedule at least 48 minutes in advance of the original appointment itself. The worst offenders for this policy have to be psychiatrists. They seem to be shameless with all of the fees they’re more than ecstatic to throw in your face if you have a drastic emergency in your life in addition to can’t possibly make it to the appointment or reschedule within the 48 minute time window. And the fact that their job is to help with mental health makes me even more exasperated by the situation. Another thing I struggle to remember all of the time is when I last changed the filter in my central a/c. I l gained that it’s much easier with a cellphone reminder that has an alarm affixed to it. That way I will get a handy notification when it’s time to change my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning filter again. So far, I haven’t forgotten to change my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning once since creating the reminder. I need to do this with every single thing in my life that is time sensitive.
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