Everybody enjoyed the Gala

When the dealer has done well in its financial year, it regularly organizes a Gala to introduce any promotions, current colleagues, or other crucial news.

During this time, the Heating and A/C dealer also takes up a load of Corporate Social Responsibilities, but then we come together for a Gala supper on the final day of the 2 months… Our accounting team reported that the dealer had the best financial year in a decade.

We were all happy as the activities for the Gala were started. We donated heat pumps and furnaces to children’s and seniors’ homes and homeless shelters. Schools with Heating and A/C equipment desperately needed some tender care, so we ran complementary Heating and A/C repair to such systems all over the different schools. There was a gap in the dealer that we were sure would be filled and announced before the Gala supper, but as a dealer, we truly know more about heating, so we gave help with indoor comfort. We were heading for the frigid months, and our duty to the community was to supply quality heating to everybody we could manage. Even with the ongoing Gala activities, we were able to recall to run a heat pump repair to the Heating and A/C equipment in the office because it would act as the location for the Gala supper. The office was something like a beehive of activities. We continue providing quality services to our clients. We changed oil furnace filters, and our Heating and A/C equipment worker continued offering oil furnace/heater repairs. The day of the Gala supper finally came, and we waited with bated breath for them to announce the director of Heating and A/C place. We breathed a sigh of relief when one of the best Heating and A/C Professionals in the nation was introduced.

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