Central furnace was not heating our home

I run the heating program every year when Winter arrives, and lately, the last few years it seems to be pointless. The reason is because despite the fact that I am running the gas furnace system, you entirely couldn’t tell, since the heating is nonexistent. I don’t understand, I am running our heating component, but yet it is not warming the house? I just had a Heating, Ventilation, and A/C specialist out not that long ago, and he confirmed that our heating device is in fine toiling order, so what is the issue here? I am getting exhausted of having to spend our savings for heating, but not get the benefits of having a heated home. I was not going to live like this any longer, and so I was going to find the answer now. I decided to call out the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C dealer again, and tell them of our issue. The Heating, Ventilation, and A/C worker I talked to told me that that doesn’t sound like a gas furnace problem, that sounds like a air duct problem. Well, I sure hope he was right because the last A/C worker told me it was not a gas furnace issue. The same Heating, Ventilation, and A/C repairman came out to our home and took a look at the air duct. He confirmed that it was in fact a air duct issue, and not an issue with our heating component. The air duct had some holes in it, so all of our precious heated air that I was paying for was literally going outside, what a waste. Thankfully, that is where air duct sealing comes in. Duct sealing is basically patching up all of those holes to prevent the treated air from going outside. The best section is that it doesn’t even cost that much.

duct sealing