Would you rather live without a furnace or air conditioning?

I am genuinely grateful that I have never had to live without heat or air conditioning; I have experienced moments in my life where my air conditioning stopped working.

I remember a few years ago I was having people over plus my air conditioning was not working well, and the smart temperature control was showing that it was on plus cooling, however the lake house felt seriously hot. I was genuinely worried that everyone would pass out, luckily it was cooler outside than it was inside, so every one of us all decided to stay in the yard because the air conditioning was not working. Luckily, I have not experienced the heat in my lake house not working. I also live in the south so I usually do not need the heat that much. If I had to choose between living without heat or living without air conditioning, I assume I would choose living without heat, and however, my decision is fully based on the weather conditions where I live now. I do not assume I could live without air conditioning in the Summer where I live. The heat would make me feel love passing out every single day. The humidity would destroy the paint on my walls plus would cause a build up of dangerous mold. I would not be able to sleep at night without the air conditioning, then opening the windows in the Summer is not an chance because there is not a cool breeze that would come through. It would feel love living in a sauna. I assume I could live without heat where I live because the winters are correctly mild. I do remember a few nights last Winter time where I had to curl up in front of my fireplace with a blanket on, even though my central heat was on.


a/c care plan