The old boiler system lasted for the longest time

Something that I really loved about my old boiler system was how long it lasted.

We have been living in this house for over a decade, and the boiler system still worked just fine. The thing is, my wife and I were concerned about the energy expenses. We agreed that it would be nice to have something more energy efficient. We figured that the boiler had an AFUE rating of 50 or so. We were hoping to have something that was far more efficient. I mean, the boiler provided excellent comfort, but the energy bills seemed to be on the rise in recent years. So we consulted with an HVAC professional to see what kind of boiler we could go for. He talked about combi boilers a lot and how we could have our hot water supplied and perfect heating with an AFUE rating of 95 or so. That definitely seemed energy efficient, but I was curious about how long the boiler would last. Most modern boilers couldn’t be guaranteed to last longer than 25 years, but there was a very nice boiler he said that came in cast iron and lasted for around 40 or better. That’s what I wanted. I didn’t even care that it was so expensive, it was also a combi boiler, and a very advanced type of system. I really loved the controls too. Since having the new combi boiler installed, we have been able to get rid of the old water heater. Our hot water supply is great now, and the energy efficiency of this new boiler system is outstanding.

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