Cigarette smoke can get into the HVAC system

My brother Harry has been smoking since he was a teenager, and although I have tried many times to get him to quit, he has ignored all of my efforts.

  • He has always doubled down and claimed that it’s his life and he can live it the way he sees fit.

And of course, he’s right, it’s his life and he can do what he pleases. So, I have always just left him alone and just showed him love, although I didn’t agree with his actions. Anyway, recently, he needed a location to stay because his HVAC system broke in his home, and it was going to take a few days for it to get fixed. Well, of course, I wanted to help my brother, however only under one condition, that he did not smoke inside my lake house or around my children. I have been to Harry’s house, and it aromas like cigarette smoke, and I didn’t want him to have my lake house aromaing like that for the 3 days that he would be staying here. We all believe that cigarette smoke can linger, and it can get pulled into the HVAC system. The particles from the cigarette smoke can get pulled into the filter and cause the lake house to aroma like smoke if the filter isn’t changed respectfully. My brother has an air cleaner that he uses inside his home, however it doesn’t fully purify the air because it still aromas like smoke inside his home. Anyway, Harry decided not to stay with me for those 3 days, I think he would rather be hot than give up smoking for a comfortable location to stay.
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