The Climate is Shifting to Those Furnace Days Again
I really won’t need to run my heating till probably December or so as I like it a bit cooler in the home.
It’s those days when the sun is hidden behind clouds and the temps are close to freezing that the flat gets too cold without any climate control. I have a good pair of wool socks and heated floors so that helps with keeping my feet warm. I also have some warm comfy winter clothes to wear indoors so that I am not always turning on the central heat. I think January and February are the only two months when I need to run the heat almost every day. We get a lot of days where there is no sun and the flat can get very frigid. I have a small radiant heater to keep me warm in my office while I work but sometimes the rest of the flat gets too cold if I don’t turn on the main heating unit. Right now we are in the middle of September and I am still having to run the AC some during the day and at night when I sleep. It will be nice when winter comes because I can open my window in my bedroom at night and feel the same way I do in the summer with the AC blasting. I like it very cold when I sleep and even use a small fan by my bedside in the winter to cool me down more. There is nothing like hiding under a big warm fluffy comforter when it is freezing outside and there is no heat in the house.
programmable thermostat