Off to the Local Business for a HEPA Filter
Today is one of those dreary days where you could stay in the flat all day without feeling like you are missing anything outside.
- It looks like it is going to rain soon so I am going to head out now and buy a HEPA filter for my HVAC system.
I have never had one of those filters in my units before so I am pretty excited to see how well it works at cleaning the air in my flat. I have decent air quality, as measured by my trusty digital ppm meter, but I think there is still too much dust in the air. I have a dust allergy and have been sneezing quite often, so if you put two and two together you get a HEPA filter. My cats are both sleeping now as they just finished running all over the flat so now is a good time to hit the local business for that filter. I am going to reheat dinner for tonight to make it an easy night of cooking so I can spend some more time at the beach before coming home. My HVAC tech friend is supposed to message me later about meeting up to play music in the sand if it doesn’t rain. But if it rains then I may invite him and some other friends to come over for a pasta dinner and a music jam session. I have nothing else going on as the HVAC company where I normally work is closed for the week for some kind of remodeling. See ya later.