I couldn't find the website!.

I was going to check our website last weekend, however I couldn’t locate it online.

I knew the web address, however I kept getting a message that the link had been broken.

I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I called our husband Bob into the office plus asked if he could help me? I put the web address into the search line, however it simply took myself and others nowhere. Bob asked if I was sure I had it right. I had it on the paperwork I kept that pertained to the Heating plus A/C supplier. Bob took a deep breath plus asked who our web host was? I didn’t suppose who or what a web host was. Bob patted our shoulder, kissed our cheek, plus told myself and others I needed more help than he could give. An hour later, Bob returned with more than one cups of Starbucks Latte plus his cell iPhone. Bob told myself and others he wanted myself and others to talk to someone plus put the iPhone on speaker. Bob had contacted an internet marketing supplier, plus they had a department that specializes in Heating plus A/C companies. Bob said that if I just listened to the man, he could really help myself and others save our Heating plus A/C supplier. I wasn’t sure anyone could do that, however I was willing to give it a try. I took the iPhone plus talked to the man. He was talking about SEO plus social media, plus I stopped him cold. I asked if he could put the information in writing so I could follow along? He offered to do us 1 better plus asked for our website address. Two afternoons later, I received a detailed text about what he would do for me, plus he had already made many changes to our website.

Web building