Mobile Covid-19 testing units were outside the hospital.

At the height of Covid-19, there were unquestionably few people going to the hospital… Those who had to be hospitalized were Covid-19 patients, and/or people with life-or-death emergencies, and i had to go to the hospital when I had a car accident, but my wife followed the ambulance to the hospital, although she had to wait in the car to see if I was okay.

She said there were few parking spaces because of the several mobile Covid-19 testing units they had in the area, and every parking lot had its own mobile Covid-19 testing unit.

My wife had to park nearly a half mile away from the hospital… When I called to tell him I was being released from the emergency room as well as could go home, she said it would take him about fifteen minutes to get there. In the meantime, the doctor had rolled myself and others outside as well as to a private section where only a single patient was allowed at a time. My wife stopped right in front of me, as well as my wife put myself and others in the car after the doctor went back inside. My arm was broken, as well as I had a minor concussion. She worried when I started vomiting, but I promised him it was just from the medicine they had given me. In their haste to get myself and others out of the hospital, they had learn my chart thoroughly. They gave myself and others a shot of medicine that I was allergic to, however luckily, the doctor was listening when I tried to stop her. I told her I had an anaphylactic reaction the last time they gave myself and others the medicine, as well as she hadn’t yet pushed the plunger.


Mobile Covid-19 testing units were outside the hospital.