A ladder fell off of the back of an air conditioning van

I like to take walks in the middle of the work day to help refresh my mind. The other day I was out for a walk when I jumped in fear as a fast vehicle approached the corner from behind me. It was an air conditioning van and they must have been late for an appointment because they were really speeding in a quiet part of town. The HVAC van continued to speed off and I immediately got nervous that the ladders on the top of the van would fall off if they drove too quickly. The HVAC van started to quickly turn at the next corner and I saw the ladders begin to slide off. I don’t even think the technician that was driving the van would have noticed the ladders had fallen off if it hadn’t been for the incredibly loud noise that it made. The van stopped and the technician hopped right out and ran to pick up the ladders. By that point, a police officer had been driving up and saw the last bit of the fiasco, so he decided to ask the technician a few questions. I honestly couldn’t believe that a technician could be in that much of a rush to be speeding like that. I don’t think that the police officer really realized how much he was speeding. I personally feel like he should have breathalyzed him to make sure that he wasn’t drunk during his shift. Can you imagine being caught drunk driving a company vehicle? That has to put major points on your driver’s license, not to mention being fired and suffering with potential jail or community service time.

heating and cooling service