Ventilation system improves comfort as well as air quality

The weather extremes in our local section necessitate heating as well as cooling just about year round.

  • The cost of temperature control accounts for approximately half of our annual energy costs.

Energy efficiency is a pressing priority. I’ve gone to great lengths to seal up any leaks in the thermal envelopes. Along with replacing windows as well as doors, I’ve meticulously caulked, weatherstripped as well as insulated. I’ve installed ceiling fans to help push the heat toward the floor while I was in the Winter time as well as send it up as well as out while I was in the summer. I am diligent about replacing air filters as well as scheduling preventative maintenance in the fall for the oil furnace as well as in the Spring for the cooling system. While I’ve done a wonderful job of reducing expenses, I’ve also eliminated natural ventilation. Fresh air is necessary for healthy air quality. Otherwise, contaminants become trapped inside, but cooking, cleaning, showering as well as all sorts of everyday activities add to the problem. Pet dander, dust, fumes, bacteria, viruses as well as modl spores get circulated by the heating as well as cooling system numerous times per afternoon. The lack of ventilation can lead to health complications. The ideal solution is a ventilation system that works to pull out the stale air as well as replace it with fresh, clean, outside air. I chose a heat recovery ventilator that uses the outgoing air to preheat the incoming air in the winter. This helps to reduce the workload of the oil furnace. Since adding the ventilation system, I’ve noticed that the living environment is more comfortable. The home stays cleaner, smells fresher as well as our family has fewer complications with headaches, sleeplessness, coughing, sneezing as well as sore throats.

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